Hi, I'm G.I. Stanley. This blog originally chronicled my adventures through a 15 month tour to Iraq with my friend Kevin. This project has been rolling around in Nadine's head for a while but it took our Minnesota friends to get us moving. They asked us to be part of their son's Flat Stanley project. We jumped at the opportunity to give our Stanley's a tour of Fort Hood. We chose to create two Stanley, a G.I. Stanley and Boy Scout Stanley as we feel both represent us well.
Upon finishing our tour, we thought his would be a great project to continue as Kevin heads to Iraq. We wondered why kinds of things the Stanley's could see and what adventures they might have.
Upon Kevin's return from Iraq in 2009, G.I. Stanley and the Albrecht Squad enjoyed three years of time together as a family without too many lengthy separations.
Kevin was recently sent to Korea for a one-year unaccompanied tour while his family stayed behind in Missouri. We are excited to see what types of adventures G.I. Stanley will have in the beautiful country of Korea!
This blog will be where we post pics and adventures (abiding by OPSEC rules of course!).
So that is how this blog came to be! Pictures will be posted soon!